12/24/2010-We're pregnant!
3/23/2011-Tuckers a boy. We also find out he has Myelomeningocele. Which is a defect where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop. Essentially the spinal cord has an opening. This also causes hydrocephalus; spinal fluid builds up in the ventricals (in the head) and needs a shunt put into to circulate back into the body.
3/28/11-Met with neurologist to talk about severity of Tucker's defect. It was hell waiting 5 days. After having a good talk, Liane and I went and did some baby shoppiing. It was a great day of relief.
7/27/11-C-section date 730am. Surgery to close his spine to come within 48hrs.
7/28/11-Surgery to close spine.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sorry it's been so long! He's still doing great!!

I started back at work last Monday so it's been interesting to say the least getting used to no sleep. I'm surprisingly doing ok with it though. Tucker is doing fantastic! He's still peeing on his own and growing like crazy!   He left the house for the first time a few days ago and went to Liane's parents house. He enjoyed being outside and hung out in a hanging netted swing. He slept for several hours, and he never does that. We only have to cath him 1-2 times a day and we are still doing pt on his legs. It was great getting back to work. Everyone was happy to see me as I was them. This will only get more interesting once Liane has to go back to work and we both enter the 4th quarter. Tucker is growing long and skinny, just like someone he knows... God he looks like his mom though.  I apologize to all the blog followers, I've been hearing from you on not posting as often. Thanks and I will do my best to at least get more pictures on more often.


  1. I love that Giraffe!!! Hey Guys - just got internet in Ireland so wanted to check in and see how the little guy's doing. Looks like things are going great! Must have his mom's toughness because I know that's not from Ricky;). Keep on updating and we'll keep following.

    Shawn and Robin
