12/24/2010-We're pregnant!
3/23/2011-Tuckers a boy. We also find out he has Myelomeningocele. Which is a defect where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop. Essentially the spinal cord has an opening. This also causes hydrocephalus; spinal fluid builds up in the ventricals (in the head) and needs a shunt put into to circulate back into the body.
3/28/11-Met with neurologist to talk about severity of Tucker's defect. It was hell waiting 5 days. After having a good talk, Liane and I went and did some baby shoppiing. It was a great day of relief.
7/27/11-C-section date 730am. Surgery to close his spine to come within 48hrs.
7/28/11-Surgery to close spine.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tucker's First Mariner Game!!!

Uncle Ted and Aunt Ruth met us for lunch at Pyramid Brewery before the game 

Tucker enjoyed himself.  He had so much to look at.  He was a big hit at the ball park, people "ooing" and "awwing" over him everywhere we went. We even had a lady stop us and ask to take a picture of him. Tucker always stops for a photo op .   

Tucker slept for the end of 2nd and 3rd innings.  He then woke up to yell at the field.  I wonder who he gets that from?

This ones getting framed

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