12/24/2010-We're pregnant!
3/23/2011-Tuckers a boy. We also find out he has Myelomeningocele. Which is a defect where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop. Essentially the spinal cord has an opening. This also causes hydrocephalus; spinal fluid builds up in the ventricals (in the head) and needs a shunt put into to circulate back into the body.
3/28/11-Met with neurologist to talk about severity of Tucker's defect. It was hell waiting 5 days. After having a good talk, Liane and I went and did some baby shoppiing. It was a great day of relief.
7/27/11-C-section date 730am. Surgery to close his spine to come within 48hrs.
7/28/11-Surgery to close spine.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

More pics

 Tummy Time:
 Tucker loves football Sundays in the bjorn, so does daddy.
Before the Husky Game 10/15/11. Thanks for the tickets Ken! And thanks for babysitting in-laws!! Probably my favorite new pic, this one will get framed.
"I like a morning jog in my puma jump suit, with my big eyes"
Love the mornings when we all can sleep in

Go dawgs! No, we were not drinking and driving. Parked at moms favorite place in the world, Starbucks. Eating, while she gets her caremal machiato fix.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture of Tucker and his mommy snuggling in bed, it's so sweet!! I think you need an Ergo, though, much manlier than the bjorn ;)
