12/24/2010-We're pregnant!
3/23/2011-Tuckers a boy. We also find out he has Myelomeningocele. Which is a defect where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop. Essentially the spinal cord has an opening. This also causes hydrocephalus; spinal fluid builds up in the ventricals (in the head) and needs a shunt put into to circulate back into the body.
3/28/11-Met with neurologist to talk about severity of Tucker's defect. It was hell waiting 5 days. After having a good talk, Liane and I went and did some baby shoppiing. It was a great day of relief.
7/27/11-C-section date 730am. Surgery to close his spine to come within 48hrs.
7/28/11-Surgery to close spine.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Night Owl? Please no

Second night in a row that Tucker has been awake and somewhat fussy all night. I think it may be some gas, Little Tummies has been injected, no help. Mommy thinks its that he wants to be held.  Hopefully it gets better, we were in bed until almost noon! And if you know me, you know I never sleep in that late! Tucker's been sleeping in the pack-and-play next to the bed, we're going to try his bedroom tonight so the other person who's not attending to him can attempt to get some sleep.


  1. The beginning with any baby is so hard. Thankfully it doesn't last long, and one day, you will really miss those snuggles, I promise :). It sounds like he has his nights and days backwards, but he'll get there :).

  2. Here's a link that's good
