12/24/2010-We're pregnant!
3/23/2011-Tuckers a boy. We also find out he has Myelomeningocele. Which is a defect where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop. Essentially the spinal cord has an opening. This also causes hydrocephalus; spinal fluid builds up in the ventricals (in the head) and needs a shunt put into to circulate back into the body.
3/28/11-Met with neurologist to talk about severity of Tucker's defect. It was hell waiting 5 days. After having a good talk, Liane and I went and did some baby shoppiing. It was a great day of relief.
7/27/11-C-section date 730am. Surgery to close his spine to come within 48hrs.
7/28/11-Surgery to close spine.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finally Home

After 14 days in 2 hospitals, 2 surgeries, an abundance of terrible cafeteria food, and lots and lots of baby training...we are home!!! What a relief, I'm writing this in my own bed. Perfect.
Happy baby, happy momma, happy daddy.


  1. This has been an amazing story to follow. Tucker is a very lucky boy to have such wonderful parents! From reading this it seems you two feel just as lucky to have him. Take care of yourselves and thanks for sharing~ Brittni Talbert
